Spin Up Evaluation - May 10, 2023


While we experienced some success last year, we recognize that there are areas that need improvement, specifically during the state tournament. Our objective for this year is to strengthen our team and work towards a successful journey to the world championships.

After discussing the state tournament with our old team, here is the list we made of things that need improvement.

  • Giving more time to the driver to practice.
  • Taking time to update the notebook before we build.
  • Communicating more as a team.
  • Programs working every time.

Our plan for this year is to maximize driving opportunities for the driver. We will start by creating detailed notebook entries with CAD for each design before we build. Communication will also be improved regarding task progress. Additionally, we will provide assistance to our programmer during programming. This way we will have the best chance at making it to worlds.


In this team meeting, we discussed ways to improve from last year along with discussing what went wrong at state. Our goals include better communication as a team, increased organization, more testing, and allowing our driver more time to practice driving.

Entry Signatures -

Ayla Clark
Caleb Carlson
Tucker Nielson
Thomas Reid