Catapult Redesign - September 20, 2023


Today, we had our ninth team meeting of the year. The purpose of the meeting was not only to reevaluate but also to plan for our upcoming competition. Upon testing our catapult, we realized that it did not meet our expectations. Therefore, we had to decide whether to spend more time on it or leave it the way it is. After much deliberation, we decided that it would be best to rebuild the catapult. We have another competition right after our first, and our driver needs a catapult that works perfectly so that he can have time to learn with it. We aim to complete the rebuild within a week. Additionally, Thomas will be working on a CAD of our intake. This way, we can work on two tasks simultaneously. Ayla will take over the notebook until both tasks are completed, and the competition is over.


Review calendar and timeline(s) -

We were able to get caught up on the notebook and testing, the wings have also been installed and perform well it is a good addition to the robot.

Tasks -

  • Rebuild Catapult (Caleb)
  • CAD Intake (Thomas)
  • Build Intake (Thomas, Ayla)


We believe that by effectively managing our time, we will be well-prepared for our first competition. This includes not only coding but also ensuring that our driver is experienced. By planning now, we can minimize the amount of work we need to do between our first and second competitions.

September 20 - 27 Plan (s)
Thu CAD Intake
Fri CAD Intake/ Rebuild Catapult
Mon Rebuild Catapult/ CAD Intake
Tue Rebuild Catapult/ Build Intake
Wed Build Intake

Our robot at the end of this week –

Our Robot this week

Entry Signatures -

Ayla Clark
Caleb Carlson
Tucker Nielson
Thomas Reid