Team Meeting Agenda - May 25, 2023


As a team, part of being successful is holding regular team meetings. The problem is, we have not decided exactly how our meetings will proceed. ​

By having team meetings, we should be addressing these points:​

  • Review our calendar / timeline.​
  • Assign tasks to people.​
  • Coordinate around each-other’s schedules.​
  • Evaluate progress since last meeting.​
  • Discuss our last competition and/or scrimmage.​

Generate Concepts

Here are some ideas we produced on how to address each of these points:

  • Create an agenda that we can refer to during each of our team meetings.​
  • Decide on a specific day that we will meet on.​
  • Work together with those who can be present at the meeting. (If not we work with those who are there)

Our Decision

After discussing each concept as a team, because there seemed to be no downside to any of the concepts we brainstormed for our team meetings. As such, we decided to use all of them.

Develop Solution

In order to consolidate the previous concepts we listed, we will create an agenda template for team meetings that will help us stay on track. Because it is a template, it can be modified to meet our requirements for that week.​

Below is the template we will use for our meetings:

Review and update calendar and timeline(s) -

  • What do we have scheduled?
  • Who is going to be available?
  • Are there any tournaments coming up?

Assign Task(s) -

  • What can you get done this week?
  • How long will it take?

Evaluate progress since the last meeting -

Is there anything that wasn’t done on time?

Discuss any previous competitions, and/ or scrimmages -

  • What went well/ wrong?

Entry Signatures -

Ayla Clark
Caleb Carlson
Tucker Nielson
Thomas Reid