Side Hang - January 20, 2024

Define Problem

After constructing our initial hang, we noticed that it was becoming increasingly difficult to use as time went on. Therefore, we decided to build a guaranteed side hang that would be quick and reliable, allowing us to secure an A tire park at the very least. This would be a significant advantage for us during the end game since the side hang would take less time than the horizontal hang, enabling us to focus on scoring points instead of worrying about hanging with only 30 seconds left.

We need a quick side elevation so that we can work on scoring more points end game.

Generate Concepts

When observing other robots, it becomes clear that there are three main methods for performing a side park. These include muscle up, caching, and balancing. Heavier robots tend to use the muscle-up method because it’s harder for them to catch themselves or maintain balance. This method involves lifting the back of the robot off the ground so it’s not in contact with the floor tiles. Caching, on the other hand, involves using a side wing or hook to catch the elevation bar before the robot falls. Finally, balancing involves using a tri-ball or the shape of the drive train to maintain balance on the ground elevation bar.

After some deliberation we decided to use a passive hook hang because we already have an elevated catapult and it would be just a small addition.


When constructing this side hang, we had only one day to complete it before our competition, which affected a lot of the design decisions. After considering the size of our robot, we decided to use three wide C-channels instead of regular ones. This allows our robot to cover more surface area and provides greater strength as well as more holes to tee off of. We used a screw joint as a hinge to make it fold down like our wings. To make it easier on the piston, we used a slip joint so that when the piston is activated, it folds down easily. It makes it fold down faster and adds strength we use rubber bands


For side hang testing we did the same testing as hanging elevation just in a different location. After each set of ten tests, we will convert the results into a percentage to assess the overall performance of our robot. This will help us identify any major flaws in our design, which we can either adjust or eliminate based on the test results.


Test 1 90%
Test 2 100%
Test 3 100%


After conducting the testing, we achieved exactly what we were hoping for from the side hang mechanism. It is reliable and quick to use, which will give us an advantage in the competition we are participating in. Additionally, during alliance selection, we can choose any robot because we can match their parking mechanism.

Entry Signatures -

Ayla Clark
Caleb Carlson
Tucker Nielson
Thomas Reid