Finishing Touches - October 04, 2023


We just had our eleventh team meeting of the year, and it’s the last full week before our first competition. With the competition fast approaching, some things need to be polished so that our robot can be in peak condition. We not only want to improve the robot but also our communication skills, such as interviews and strategies with other alliances.


Review calendar and timeline(s) -

Last week we were able to completely CAD and construct our intake it has been working quite well along with a minor catapult adjustment. We did this so the tri-ball wouldn’t be pulled in as far if we were on the offensive side of the field – goal stuffing tri-balls.

Tasks -

  • Program autonomous (Caleb)
  • Skills (Tucker)


With a combination of programming and driving skills, we aim to prepare our drivers with precise and accurate programs. Win-point is crucial, as it impacts more than what most people perceive. Along with interview preps we will be filly prepared for our first competition.

October 4 - 11 Plan (s)
Thu Skills
Fri Skills
Mon Match Auton
Tue Match Auton/Interview
Wed Match Auton/ Interview

Our robot at the end of this week –

Our Robot this week

Entry Signatures -

Ayla Clark
Caleb Carlson
Tucker Nielson
Thomas Reid