Robot Rebuild - December 21, 2023


This week we had our eighteenth team meeting. During our team meeting, we discussed the various problems we have been noticing over time with our robot.

Here are some of the points we discussed:

  • Our robot is fairly easy to block while match-loading.
  • We cannot block other teams.
  • We have not found a reliable method of elevation, something absolutely critical in this year’s game since elevation can account for up to 20 points of the match.


Review calendar and timeline(s) -

Since the last team meeting, not much has been done since we’ve had the same robot for quite a while. However, since we are starting a new robot there is much to be done.


November 15 - 22 Plan (s)
Thu Skills
Mon Skills
Tue Notebook
Wed Skills

Our current robot –

Our Robot this week

Entry Signatures -

Ayla Clark
Caleb Carlson
Tucker Nielson
Thomas Reid