Drive Train - January 02, 2024

Define Problem

When we were constructing our robot, we needed to consider its drive-train. We wanted it to be capable of going over the barrier, while also having relatively low friction. By doing so, the robot would take longer to overheat and would be faster.

Generate Concepts

We already generated concepts as a team in the rebuild section of the notebook here is the summary of the entry. When rebuilding our robot, we want to make the most efficient use of our time. After careful consideration, we realized that we had already done extensive testing on our drivetrain and found it to be the best possible design for our robot. Therefore, we have decided to keep the drivetrain intact during the rebuild process. This will save us time, as our driver is already familiar with the drivetrain and will benefit from their existing skills.


In short, we strongly believe that reusing our first chassis for the robot would save a lot of time. Among all the parts we create for the robot, the chassis takes the longest to make due to the complexity of its design. That is why we tested so many chassis designs at the beginning of the year to ensure that they would work as efficiently as possible for our robot.

Entry Signatures -

Ayla Clark
Caleb Carlson
Tucker Nielson
Thomas Reid