Breaking It Down - August 07, 2023


We just had our third team meeting of the year after the summer break, during which it was difficult to complete tasks. Now that we’re back, our focus is on building a successful robot. We’re breaking down tasks and conducting thorough tests to ensure the robot’s reliability and functionality in the future.

We have observed that our current sticky note process for task delegation results in many random tasks being assigned, which can take longer to complete. To optimize our workflow and achieve our goals more efficiently, we have decided to implement a more personalized task assignment system. This will enable us to assign specific tasks to team members based on their skills and availability, ensuring that everyone is working on the most relevant task at any given time. By doing so, we aim to minimize wasted time and increase productivity.

We have implemented a weekly goal that encompasses all of our tasks. By working towards this goal with every task, we can keep the bigger picture in mind.


Review calendar and timeline(s) -

We have returned from our summer break and are currently focused on testing the chassis and CAD to ensure that we don’t waste time and energy building something that won’t work for our final robot. Most of the tasks have been completed or are no longer relevant, and we are now creating new tasks for the start of the new school year.

Tasks -

  • Build first chassis (Ayla)
  • Test chassis (Ayla)
  • Updating calendar (Ayla)
  • Notebook entry on testing and construction (Ayla)
  • Touch screen aton selector (Caleb)
  • Updating links in the notebook (Everyone)


When we assign fewer tasks to each person, we have a more direct path toward achieving our goal. This approach also allows us to accomplish more. I am confident that with the upcoming testing, our robot will be highly successful in the future.

August 3 - 9 Plan (s)
Thu Build First chassis
Fri Finish building / test
Sat Cad chassis/ work on rules entry
Mon Take apart chassis and build next chassis
Tue Finish building/ test
Wed Take apart and CAD

Entry Signatures -

Ayla Clark
Caleb Carlson
Tucker Nielson
Thomas Reid