Building Elevation - October 25, 2023


We had our fourteenth team meeting this week and will begin working on the CAD for our home competition’s elevation. Adding this elevation will help us maintain our good qualification rankings and give us an advantage in case something goes wrong during a match. With the ability to elevate, we hope to turn the tides of any game in our favor.


Review calendar and timeline(s) -

Last week, our goal was to add more images and information to our notebook and start building a prototype of an elevation machine. We also did some research to get inspiration, and one of the sources we looked at was 229V ACE. You can find a research entry about them in our notebook. We were able to add a lot of pictures and information however before the notebook is due for our competition we want it to be as clear-cut as possible.

Tasks -

  • Adding pictures in notebook (Caleb, Ayla)
  • General Notebook (Ayla, Caleb)
  • Prototype Elevation/CAD (Thomas)


By dedicating more time to practice and improving our notebook and robot, we will perform well in the upcoming competition. Additionally, as this is our home competition, it holds a great deal of significance for us, and we aim to do our best and achieve the highest possible results.

October 25 - November 1 Plan (s)
Thu Prototype Elevation
Mon CAD Elevation
Tue Notebook
Wed Notebook
{: .calendar}  

Our robot at the end of this week –

Our Robot this week

Entry Signatures -

Ayla Clark
Caleb Carlson
Tucker Nielson
Thomas Reid