Competition Week - October 11, 2023


We just had our twelfth team meeting of the year, and we discussed the upcoming competition that we will be leaving for on the 14th. In the two days leading up to our departure, we plan to program our robot and, most importantly, practice our interviews. We also need to pack up essential parts and tools that we will be taking with us to Nevada.


Review calendar and timeline(s) -

Last week we were able to make all of our competition programs now its just a matter of making sure that they are as accurate as possible. Our driver was also bale to get quite a lot of experience and was bale to raise his skill score a lot.

Tasks -

  • Program skills autonomous (Caleb)
  • Driving (Tucker)


Going into our first competition we believe we should be really well prepared for interviews skills and matches making us a well-rounded team.

October 11 - 18 Plan (s)
Thu Program/ Interview
Fri Program/ Interview
Sat Competition
Sun Drive Home
Mon Teacher Prep
Tue Competition Evaluation
Wed Notebook

Our robot at the end of this week –

Our Robot this week

Entry Signatures -

Ayla Clark
Caleb Carlson
Tucker Nielson
Thomas Reid