Specific Rules - June 09, 2023


Apart from scoring, there are particular regulations that determine whether a point has been earned or not and other regulations consist of information on the number of tri-balls in possession, specifications on elevation, criteria for match loads, offensive zones, double zoning, and win-point requirements.

Generate Concepts

Goal criteria:

If a tri-ball is under the goal it must have at least 2 corners under the goal to qualify as scored.


For your robot to score points, it must be completely raised and not touching the ground. Even touching the yellow cap at the top of the elevation bar will result in no points being scored.

Offensive Zone:

To score a tri-ball in the offensive zone, it needs to meet specific requirements. The tri-ball cannot be touching a same-color robot in the offensive zone and must be in contact with a gray tile in the offensive zone. Only then will it count as scored.


In order to avoid disqualification, it’s important to remember that your team’s robot can only hold one tri-ball at a time. If you try to score with two, your team will be disqualified.

Double zoning:

If both robots form the same alliance and are in the opposing team’s offensive zone it is called double zoning. When a team is double zoning the opposing team is allowed to de-score tri-balls from the opposite team’s netted goal.

Match load:

To receive a match load from your team, your robot must be in contact with the match load bar. Once this is achieved, a team member can place the match load into your robot without using force. Please note that using force is not permitted.


In order you get the full win-point the member of the alliance on the right side must score their preload under the netted goal. Then the second member of the alliance on the left must remove the green match load from the match load section. Then at least one member of the alliance must be making contact with the elevation bar.

Entry Signatures -

Ayla Clark
Caleb Carlson
Tucker Nielson
Thomas Reid