First Chassis - August 10, 2023


We recently held our fourth team meeting of the year and have achieved significant progress with our tasks. We even managed to complete some that we had planned to tackle later on. I believe our efforts have been very successful, especially with the help of the improved sticky notes that helped speed up the process. I am hopeful that we can maintain this level of consistency throughout the remainder of the year.

Next week, we’re going to focus on creating a chassis by starting with a CAD design. Based on our experience with building test chassis, we’ve found that the building process is much quicker when we use CAD. Before we started using CAD last year, we would spend an entire day or even a few days just trying to figure out how the project would come together. But now, we only need to spend a few hours on the CAD design and then we’re finished.


Review calendar and timeline(s) -

All of the tasks we assigned have been completed, including the construction of the second adjustable test chassis and all necessary tests. Thanks to these tests, we now have a clear understanding of how our final chassis will look. As a result, we only have a few tasks left for next week, which will focus on the initial stages of building the robot.

Weekly Goal: Use base chassis to compete in Thursday’s scrimmage.

Tasks -

  • CAD base chassis (Caleb)
  • Build chassis (Caleb/Ayla)
  • Have a working chassis to compete with
  • Take apart Odometry chassis (Caleb)


In my opinion, our robot will have a strong foundation thanks to the extensive testing and hard work we have invested. This has allowed us to identify what is unnecessary, ultimately resulting in a superior robot.

August 10 - 16 Plan (s)
Thu Take apart odometry chassis
Fri CAD base chassis
Sat Finish Odometry research entry.
Mon FInish CAD/ build chassis
Tue Build chassis
Wed Finishing building/ get ready for Thursday

Our robot at the end of this week –

Our Robot this week

Entry Signatures -

Ayla Clark
Caleb Carlson
Tucker Nielson
Thomas Reid