First Catapult - September 06, 2023


Today we had our seventh team meeting of the year, and Last week, we were able to construct the catapult successfully. However, we were not able to test it due to homecoming events. This week, we plan to test it and also catch up on our notebook work. This will enable us to prepare ourselves for when we begin working on other mechanisms for the robot. We don’t want to be constantly playing catch-up.


Review calendar and timeline(s) -

During the process of constructing the catapult, we discussed ways to improve our team meetings. We concluded that providing a shared itinerary for everyone to write on would enable individuals to plan accordingly. This would also assist us in keeping the meeting on track.

Tasks -

  • Get Caught up on Notebook (Ayla, Caleb)
  • Build Catapult (Caleb, Thomas)
  • Test Catapult (Tucker,Thomas)


I think we’ll be caught up this week and ready for our first competition. Let’s create a healthy schedule to stay on track, even when life gets in the way.

September 6 - 13 Plan (s)
Thu CAD Catapult
Fri CAD and Transfer photos
Mon Build catapult
Tue Build Catapult
Wed Test Catapult

Our robot at the end of this week –

Our Robot this week

Entry Signatures -

Ayla Clark
Caleb Carlson
Tucker Nielson
Thomas Reid