Building Elevation - November 08, 2023


We recently had our sixteenth team meeting and we realized that we need to focus more on our notebook. As much as we love taking part in the vex, we also have to fulfill our academic responsibilities, and unfortunately, we don’t have enough time to dedicate to our notebook. Therefore, we are devising a plan to incorporate more time for the notebook in our tight schedule.


Review calendar and timeline(s) -

Last week, we conducted a review of our recent competition to identify areas where we could improve for the next one. Along with working on our notebook, we also prototyped an elevation mechanism for our robot. However, we realized that we need to rethink the design of the elevation mechanism so that it can support the weight of the robot when it is hanging on it.

Tasks -

  • Pictures in notebook (Caleb, Ayla)
  • General Notebook (Ayla, Caleb)
  • Research (Thomas)
  • Driver Skills (Tucker)


By dedicating more time to the notebook, we believe we can achieve excellence. Additionally, we can use the notebook as a tool, as it was intended, rather than just a log.

November 8 - 15 Plan (s)
Thu Notebook
Mon Skills
Tue Notebook
Wed Notebook

Our robot at the end of this week –

Our Robot this week

Entry Signatures -

Ayla Clark
Caleb Carlson
Tucker Nielson
Thomas Reid