Critical Game Moments - May 17, 2023


As we analyze this year’s games, we have identified several critical moments in the match: flooding the zone, filling the goal, de-scoring, and finally elevation. By examining these key moments, we can create better strategies to win matches.

Generate Concepts

These are the crucial moments and the reasons why we consider them significant.

Flood the zone: “Flooding the zone” is a strategy in which a robot launches several tri-balls over the central bar to gain possession for their team. This move often sets up the next crucial moment in the game and can be executed during the autonomous phase or early stages of play. Now in the early stages of the game, there is a mass amount of points and the availability to use the tri-balls to score more.

Filling the goal: From flooding the zone there is now a plethora of tri-balls in the teams’ zone. On the ground, the tri-balls in their zone are worth two points. However, in a goal, they are worth five. So now the alliance on the other side of the central bar will begin filling the goal. After the goal is at its max capacity they move on to doing other things to avoid de-scoring tri-balls.

De-scoring: As the alliance team scores tri-balls in the goal, the other robot should be positioned on the opposite side of the central bar. While in that position, their task is to retrieve ground balls from the field and either throw or push them over the central bar to score points for their robot instead of the opposing team.

Elevation: In the last moments of the game, a robot may begin to climb the elevation bar or try to elevate itself on the black PVC pipes for additional points. The higher the robot climbs, the more points it scores. This climb can confirm a team’s win or serve as a final attempt at victory.


By taking advantage of these crucial moments, we can devise strategies for any robots we may be working with. Furthermore, if unforeseen circumstances arise during the match, we can make informed decisions to ensure that the match stays in our favor.

Entry Signatures -

Ayla Clark
Caleb Carlson
Tucker Nielson
Thomas Reid