Intake Construction - September 27, 2023


Today, our team had our tenth meeting of the year. We discussed the importance of cleanliness and the CAD and construction of our intake. Since we only have a little over two weeks left until our first competition, this will be the final mechanism we work on. This will give us enough time to program and drive, ensuring that we are well-prepared to put our best foot forward.


Review calendar and timeline(s) -

We were able to completely rebuild our catapult in a reasonable time along with the beginning of a CAD for an intake. by the end of the week we should have a full robot to program and drive.

Tasks -

  • Build Intake (Caleb)
  • CAD Intake (Thomas)


With having our first full robot we can finally work on full programs for skills witch will increase our skills score along with more practice with a better robot.

September 27 - October 4 Plan (s)
Thu Finish CAD
Fri CAD Intake/ Build Intake
Mon Build intake
Tue Hook up
Wed Cable management/ pneumatics

Our robot at the end of this week –

Unfortunately, we failed to find a good picture of our robot’s intake. We were only able to find some partial photos. The first is of the intake chain, and the second is of the intake pivot point.

Intake PartialIntake Partial

Entry Signatures -

Ayla Clark
Caleb Carlson
Tucker Nielson
Thomas Reid