Revaluation - October 18, 2023


This week, we held our thirteenth team meeting to discuss our upcoming competition and plan for our second competition of the year. By first evaluating our last competition to see how we can improve and move forward. We believe that we can improve by putting more effort towards our notebook along with giving more leeway for our driver to gain experience. We also think it would be very beneficial to add an elevation to our robot before our Bear River competition.


Review calendar and timeline(s) -

Last week we had our first competition and we ended up being 3rd in qualifications we then allied with 89040A Marauders and we ended up getting beat in finals. Unfortunately, we didn’t take home any trophies but we were able to take our place as 15th in the world for skills and for our first competition we believe we did quite well however there are always ways to improve. That is going to be the main purpose of this week

Tasks -

  • Pictures in notebook (Caleb, Ayla)
  • General Notebook (Ayla, Caleb)
  • Driving (Tucker)
  • Prototype Elevation (Thomas)


By implementing what we learned from last week’s competition, we can improve and hopefully win an award next time. Moreover, we gained inspiration and learned from other participants.

October 18 - 25 Plan (s)
Thu Prototype Elevation
Mon Skills
Tue Notebook
Wed Notebook

Our robot at the end of this week –

Our Robot this week

Entry Signatures -

Ayla Clark
Caleb Carlson
Tucker Nielson
Thomas Reid